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United States
Multiplied Displacement Under Racial Capitalism: The “Migrant Crisis” in Berlin and New York City
René Kreichauf
- 31 January 2025
Berlin and New York City, both self-proclaimed “migrant-friendly cities,” have long been destinations for...
From Universal Basic Income to Guaranteed Basic Income: An Experiment for Cities on the Brink
Marc Doussard
- 17 December 2024
Surprisingly, US cities have led the charge in basic-income experiments, despite the country’s aversion to social...
The Banality of Innovation: Mythic Discourse and the Long Road to Shore Power in New York City
Iain McDavid
- 3 December 2024
If the New York City Economic Development Corporation is committed to the city’s “green transformation, ” then why is...
The Impact of Tort Reform Liability Shields During the Covid‑19 Pandemic: Hyper-Preemption in the States
Davia C. Downey & William M. Myers
- 1 October 2024
The Covid‑19 pandemic exposed how federal and state preemption hamstrings local policymaking. Using the case of tort...
“There Is No Excused Absence in Prison”
Tanisha Cannon & Dylan O’Donoghue
- 19 July 2024
More than 150 years after the passage of the 13th Amendment, the fight to abolish forced labor in the United States...
On a Road to Nowhere? Military Urbanism and the Architecture of Segregation
Tim Cunningham
- 3 May 2024
Comparing the experiences of Belfast, Northern Ireland, with the United States, Tim Cunningham shows how physical...
Breaking Down the NYPD: How Reconsidering Political District Maps Could Open New Doors to Police Accountability
Toby Irving
- 16 February 2024
Efforts to stem the power of the NYPD and the violence such power facilitates require accountability to the people...
From the Field
The Black Radical Imagination in a Rural Forgotten Space
Brad Stephens & Chris Stephenson & Max O. Stephenson Jr.
- 16 January 2024
How does the Black Radical imagination manifest in “forgotten places” amid shifting populations? Brad Stephens, Chris...
Writing the Intellectual History of Bioregionalism
Antoine Dubiau & translated by Oliver Waine
- 22 December 2023
As bioregionalist ideas spread in France, their history remains partly unwritten. This environmental movement,...
From the Field
We Are From Nairobi (
): Black Power Spatial Imaginaries in Silicon Valley
Kimberley S. Johnson
- 17 October 2023
East Palo Alto’s Black, Latiné and Pacific Islander residents deploy #panthershit—a Black Power spatial imaginary as a...
Jefes Fantasmas
in New York City’s Urban Platform Economy
Jackson Todd
- 3 March 2023
How has the “platform economy” altered urban life, infrastructure, and labor? Jackson Todd examines New York City’s...
The Black Middle Class, or the Harsh Reality of the American Dream
Sylvie Tissot & translated by Oliver Waine
- 24 January 2023
The suburbs of the United States, once the epicenter of racial segregation, are now home to more African Americans...
Visualizing “Superdiversity” in New York City
H. Jacob Carlson
- 8 November 2022
A new set of visualization and mapping tools focused on “superdiversity” shows the complexity and intersectionality...
New Tourism Geographies and the Politics of Tourist Taxation
Elizabeth Strom
- 7 June 2022
The changing geography of urban tourism has led to new forms of political contestation. How hotel-tax revenues are...
From the Field
Starve the Beast: Community-Owned and Community-Controlled Composting as an Alternative to Incineration in Baltimore
Nicole Fabricant
- 31 May 2022
Nicole Fabricant documents organizing efforts in Baltimore, led by youth of color, against a trash-to-energy...
From the Field
The Spectacle of Reuse: Recirculating Urban Salvage at Pittsburgh’s Construction Junction
Susan M. Ross
- 29 April 2022
Susan M. Ross examines a building-materials reuse center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, arguing that it is an...
From the Field
The Promises and Realities of Data-Driven Community Development
Austin Harrison
- 22 February 2022
Tennessee nonprofit Innovate Memphis has spent nearly a decade designing the Memphis Property Hub, a public data...
Reconsidering Wasteways from Boston to Seattle
Lisa Jean Moore
- 1 February 2022
Throughout the Covid‑19 pandemic, with disposable masks and endless testing, garbage proliferates. It is extremely...
(Re)Constructing Inequality: Community Development in Public and Private
Claire Dunning
- 14 December 2021
Claire Dunning reviews Jeremy R. Levine’s new book, Constructing Community, an ethnographic study of community...
Infrastructure Financing and the Bonds of Inequality
Rachel Weber
- 19 October 2021
Rachel Weber reviews historian Destin Jenkins’ new book, The Bonds of Inequality: Debt and the Making of the...
From the Field
Covid-19 Transformed New York’s Destination Food Markets
Ivana Mellers
- 5 October 2021
Ivana Mellers analyzes how New York’s destination markets—key spaces of economic and social interactions—coped during...
From the Field
Between Two Crises: New York’s Artisanal Food Startup Founders
Nga Than
- 28 September 2021
The Covid‑19 pandemic forced a pause to a decade of growth for New York City’s artisanal food startups. Strategies...
From the Field
Can the New Economy Survive without Coffee Shops (and Their Wi‑Fi)?
Thomas R. Chung
- 21 September 2021
Thomas R. Chung argues that coffee shops play an important role in the creative and tech sectors of the...
New York Dossier: The Food Industry Faces the Covid‑19 Pandemic
Sharon Zukin
- 14 September 2021
Metropolitics is pleased to present the second dossier coordinated by faculty and students in the PhD program in...
Teacher Unionism and the Bargain for the Common Good
Claire Cahen
- 6 July 2021
Rank-and-file teachers across the United States challenge their unions to embrace social democratic ideals, and...
A Social Portrait of the Subprime Crisis
Camille François & translated by Oliver Waine
- 14 May 2021
What have been the social and urban consequences of the subprime mortgage crisis, and what lessons can be learned...
The Ancestors of Pandemic Pets and Vector Animals
Lisa Jean Moore
- 11 May 2021
How has the place—and role—of animals in the city evolved over the last two centuries, and what bearing have these...
From the Field
Reflections on Four Years of Housing-Justice Support Work with Mapping Action Collective
Sachi Arakawa & Tim Hitchins
- 13 April 2021
Mapping Action Collective, based in Portland, Oregon, leverages mapping and data to support housing-justice...
“Every Eviction is an Act of Violence”
Tara Raghuveer & Joshua Akers
- 23 March 2021
Josh Akers interviews researcher, organizer, and activist Tara Raghuveer about her work with KC Tenants in Kansas...
Fighting for Housing Justice: An Interview with Two Youth Organizers in Curtis Bay, Baltimore
Nicole Fabricant & Carlos Sanchez & Terriq Thompson
- 16 March 2021
Two Baltimore youth organizers discuss the importance of community land trusts, for housing and beyond. Series:...
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Black Power and Black Self-Determination in a New Time and New Spaces
Urban Wastes, Present and Future
New York Dossier: The Food Industry Faces the Covid‑19 Pandemic
Cities in the Age of Financialization
Contemporary Housing Struggles: Crises, Activism, and Critical Research
New York Tech Dossier: The Dark Side of New York’s Tech Economy
Progressive Mayors and Urban Social Movements
Land Rights in the Urban Global South
Climate Change and Social Change
From the Field
Covid-19 Transformed New York’s Destination Food Markets
Ivana Mellers
- 5 October 2021
Ivana Mellers analyzes how New York’s destination markets—key spaces of economic and social interactions—coped during...
From the Field
Moving Inside City Limits: The Urban Mobility of Undocumented Youth
Stephen P. Ruszczyk
- 4 June 2019
The urban context and public transportation shape how undocumented youths move within cities. In a comparison of...
Filming Ethnic Diversity in New York
Stéphane Tonnelat & translated by Christina Mitrakos
- 21 October 2016
Frederick Wiseman’s fortieth documentary film, In Jackson Heights (2015), returns to an urban theme explored in...
From the Field
Looking Inward, Across the Border
Harel Shapira
- 19 April 2016
In the constellation of anti-immigrant politics in the United States, groups like the Minutemen, civilians who...
The Political Aesthetics of Drag
Shaka McGlotten
- 13 October 2015
Drag, or the diverse art form and culture of performance that typically plays with gender and sex, is an integral...
Disarm the Police
Gregory Smithsimon
- 29 September 2015
In the current political debates about discriminatory policing, there has been a lack of serious discussion of...
Other resources online
Cycles of Violence: Analysing Media Discourse in the Newspaper...
Mobile Lives Forum
How are cyclist and pedestrian deaths depicted in newspaper reports, and how do these reports help shape...
Lahti: The First Carbon-Rationing Experiment Applied to Local...
Mobile Lives Forum
The city of Lahti in Finland was the first to experiment with a carbon-trading scheme among its inhabitants to...
Is Rationing Carbon for Travel a Fair, Efficient, and Realistic...
Mobile Lives Forum
In the wake of the pandemic, a carbon tax at Europe’s borders is now on the agenda, but a domestic version for...
Reducing Carbon-Emitting Travel: A Factor of Social Cohesion and...
Mobile Lives Forum
As part of France’s Mission on the Future of the Economic Model of Public Transportation, commissioned by the French...
Strasbourg, An Example of a Cycling City
Mobile Lives Forum
Strasbourg is the leading city for cycling in France and a constant source of inspiration for all French cities...
The Trinity of Walking, Cycling and Public Transportation Must Be...
Mobile Lives Forum
While emissions from the transportation sector remain at a very high level, all hopes are currently pinned on the...
Journal supported by the Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (Institute of Human and Social Sciences) of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)