Philippe Simay holds a PhD in philosophy, is an assistant professor at the Paris-Belleville School of Architecture, and is a member of the research unit Ipraus (Institut Parisien de Recherche : Architecture, Urbanistique, Société). Following initial research into representations of urban modernity, his work currently focuses on the relationships between the city, the body and the senses. This has led to the development of analysis tools based on qualitative experiences of space, which have been put to use in architecture and urban design projects.
He is the editor of Capitales de la modernité. Walter Benjamin et la ville, published by Éditions de l’Éclat (2006), Le Choc des métropoles : Simmel, Kracauer, Benjamin (with Stéphane Füzesséry), published by Éditions de l’Éclat (2008), Droit de cité, published by Presses Universitaires de France (2009), and La Place de la sculpture (with Frédéric Vengeon), published by CIPh (2011).
See online : <multi>[fr]Son site web [en]His website</multi>