Élise Palomares is a socio-anthropologist and lecturer at the University of Rouen, in the Dysola (Dynamiques Sociales et Langagières – “Social and Language Dynamics”) research unit, and an associate member of Urmis–Paris (Unité de recherches ‘Migrations et Société’, Paris – “‘Migration and Society’ research unit, Paris”). Her research concerns minority situations in the city based on fieldwork conducted both in France (in the Paris region, in Upper Normandy and, more recently, in Mayotte, which became a French overseas département in 2011) and in South Africa (Johannesburg), in unique contexts that are today officially “race-blind”.
Her recent publications include: with Catherine Quiminal, “Migration in South Africa: tensions and post-apartheid inter-ethnic compromises in a central district of Johannesburg”, in The Challenge of the Threshold. Border Closures and Migration Movements in Africa, by Jocelyne Streiff-Fenart and Aurelia Wa Kabwe Segatti (eds.) (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2012); and, with Armelle Testenoire, “Indissociables et irréductibles : les rapports sociaux de genre, ethniques et de classe”, L’Homme et la Société, nos. 2–3, pp. 15–27 (2010).