Noémie Houard graduated as an engineer from the École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’État (French National School of State Public Works) and holds a doctorate in political science from Sciences Po (the Paris Institute of Political Studies). After completing her thesis in affiliation with the Haut Comité pour le Logement des Personnes Défavorisées (High-Level Committee on the Housing of Disadvantaged Persons), she was appointed policy officer under the aegis of the prefect and interministerial delegate for accommodation and access to housing for the homeless and inadequately housed, from 2008 to 2010. She is currently policy offer at the Centre d’Analyse Stratégique (French Centre for Strategic Analysis) and associate researcher at CEVIPOF (Sciences Po’s centre for political research).
She is the author of Droit au logement et mixité. Les contradictions du logement social (L’Harmattan, 2009) and coordinated Loger l’Europe. Le logement social dans tous ses États (La Documentation Française, 2011). Her work mainly concerns housing policy, urban policy and discrimination.