Charles-François Mathis is a professor of contemporary history at Paris‑1 Panthéon–Sorbonne University. A former student of ENS Cachan, he holds the agrégation teaching qualification and a doctorate, both in history. He was chair of the RUCHE network (Réseau Universitaire de Chercheurs en Histoire Environnementale – University Network of Researchers in Environmental History) from 2017 to 2019, and currently directs the book series “L’environnement a une histoire,” published by Champ Vallon. A specialist in environmental and British history, he is the author of, among other publications, In Nature We Trust. English Landscapes in the Industrial Age (2010) and, with Émilie-Anne Pépy, La Ville végétale. Une histoire de la nature en milieu urbain (France, XVIIe-XXIe siècles) (2017). His current research focuses on the history of energy, with a view to producing a cultural history of coal in 19th‑century England.