Sneha Mandhan

Sneha Mandhan (she/her) is an urban planner, architect, and educator with an interdisciplinary practice in planning, urban design, architecture, design research, and community engagement. She collaborates on city building and engagement projects with Monumental Projects, People Design Co-operative, and the Department of Words and Deeds. She teaches graduate courses in urban design at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design at the University of Toronto, and holds a master’s degree in city planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and an undergraduate degree in architecture from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal (NIT Bhopal).

Her work focuses on exploring and incorporating culture into the planning and design of cities. She is currently pursuing a PhD in planning at the University of Toronto, where she is working to discover and share the stories of banquet halls as important sites of cultural celebration for the South Asian diaspora in the Greater Toronto Area.


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Centre national de recherche scientifique
Journal supported by the Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (Institute of Human and Social Sciences) of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
