Nathalie Lemarchand is a geographer and a professor at the Université Paris‑8 Vincennes–Saint‑Denis. She is a member of the research unit LADYSS (Laboratoire dynamiques sociales et recomposition des espaces – Laboratory for Social Dynamics and the Reconfiguration of Spaces; CNRS, UMR 7533), where she is responsible for the theme of everyday territories. Her research on the geography of retail forms part of a cultural and social analysis and more specifically concerns new retail territories and their consumption patterns.
Her recent publications analyse the emergence of this new approach in retail geography. The publication in March 2014 of a book titled Le Commerce dans tous ses états (“Retail in all its forms”) by the Presses universitaires de Rennes, co-edited with Arnaud Gasnier (Université du Maine) – with whom she chaired the work of the retail geography subcommittee of the CNFG (Comité national français de géographie – French National Geography Committee) from 2008 to 2012 – underlines this orientation, adopted in numerous works.