Erwan Le Méner is a sociologist and researcher affiliated with the Centre d’Étude des Mouvements Sociaux (CEMS – “Center for the Study of Social Movements”). His PhD dissertation focused on emergency housing for homeless families. He is also a researcher at the Observatoire du Samusocial de Paris, where he has been conducting investigations on homelessness since 2005. He is co-author, with Alexandra Bidet, of “Les resorts collectifs des signalements de sans-abri au 115. Appel politisé, voisinage troublé et geste citoyen en milieu urbain démocratique”, in Carrell, M. and Neveu, C. (eds.), Citoyennetés ordinaires. Ce que l’enquête empirique fait aux représentations de la citoyenneté (Paris: Karthala, 2014); and in 2010 he co-edited L’Engagement ethnographique (Paris: Éditions de l’EHESS).