Clarence Hatton-Proulx

Clarence Hatton-Proulx is a PhD candidate pursuing a joint doctorate in urban studies and history at the Centre Urbanisation, Culture, Société (Center for Urbanization, Culture and Society) of the INRS (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique – National Institute of Scientific Research) in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and at the SIRICE research unit (Sorbonne Identités, Relations Internationales et Civilisations de l’Europe – Sorbonne Identities, International Relations and European Civilizations) of Sorbonne University in Paris, France. His dissertation focuses on the history of energy in the city of Montreal from 1939 to 1979. His research is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada and EDF’s Comité d’Histoire de l’Électricité et de l’Énergie (History of Electricity and Energy Committee).

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Centre national de recherche scientifique
Journal supported by the Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (Institute of Human and Social Sciences) of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
