Stéphanie Dadour

Stéphanie Dadour holds a PhD in architecture and is an assistant professor in human and social sciences at Paris-Malaquais School of Architecture. Following a year as a visiting scholar at Columbia University, in New York City, she worked as a researcher at the Centre Pompidou, in Paris, as part of the "Mondialisation et Études Culturelles" ("Globalization and Cultural Studies") program. In addition to being a member of the research unit ACS (Architecture, Culture, Société (XIXe‑XXIe siècles)), she is also, in the context of her research into the accommodation of exiled individuals by citizens in France, an affiliate member of the Institut Convergences Migrations and the joint research unit URMIS (Unité de Recherches Migrations et Société – Migrations and Society Research Unit; UMR CNRS 8245).

Her work seeks, on the one hand, to mobilize the human and social sciences in order to question spatial forms at the same time as ideas and intentions; and, on the other, to shift focal points in order to gain a better understanding of the inhabited world. Her publications include The Housing Project. Discourses, Ideals, Models and Politics in 20th‑Century Exhibitions (co‑authored with Gaia Caramellino; Leuven University Press, 2020); she is also preparing an anthology of feminist texts in the field of architecture.

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Centre national de recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Journal supported by the Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (Institute of Human and Social Sciences) of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
