Alain Cottereau, sociologist and historian, is director of studies at EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales – School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) in Paris and an honorary member of CEMS–IMM (Centre d’Étude des Mouvements Sociaux–Institut Marcel Mauss – Centre for the Study of Social Movements–Marcel Mauss Institute). His work focuses on the anthropology of evaluation, in particular on the basis of a method known as “ethno-accountability”. In this context, he coordinates a number of collective projects that pursue the approach adopted in the book Une famille andalouse. Ethnocomptabilité d’une économie invisible (co-authored with Mokhtar Mohatar Marzok).
See online : <multi> [fr]Sa page personnelle sur le site du CEMS [en]His page on the CEMS website </multi>